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Introducing The Gravity Awards!

The Gravity Awards will showcase and reward students' achievements on Slooh and their use of our online robotic telescopes and Quest learning activities!


Slooh is on a mission to showcase the best of student work and emphasize the importance of science communication. Our goal is to promote space education within your school community and beyond. In the spirit of encouraging students to learn from each other on the platform, we want to share student perspectives about space and recognize those who are doing it in novel ways using Slooh.

To enter the competition, all you have to do is share Observations in your Workspace and in the wider community to accumulate likes and comments. Then, we’ll feature the most interesting and popular Observations based on community feedback.


The competition will include individual and team recognition, industry badges and certification, and new ways to earn Gravity Points. 


Stay tuned for more exciting announcements about The Gravity Awards competition and get a head start on the competition by sharing your best Observations with the Slooh community. 

Good luck everyone!

The Slooh Team

Draw inspiration from previous Student Spotlights & Awarded work

In Student Spotlight, we showcase the best student work, including Quest Posters and Observations or anything students create and publish using Slooh. Slooh members, submit content for Student Spotlight here.


Week of July 8, 2024

This week we highlight Quest posters from three Cuesta College students from California.

Kat from Cuesta - Milky Way Explorer

Carly from Cuesta - Milky Way Explorer

Tyler from Cuesta - Out With a Bang 


Week of July 1, 2024

This week we feature two fantastic moon-oriented Quest posters

Aleta from 6th Grade Science at St. Stephen's Episcopal School - Lunar Phases Quest Poster

Marie from the University of Oldenburg - Apollo Astronauts Quest Poster


Week of June 24, 2024

This week we feature four amazing Quest posters

Tori from the South Kitsap School District - Exploring Star Clusters Quest Poster   

SpaceDragon from the Portland State University - Nifty Nebulae Quest Poster 

MoveIt! From Quantum Physics for Kids - How Far Quest Poster 

Lea from the University of Oldenburg - Language Of Light Quest Poster


Week of June 17, 2024

Students at the University of Oldenburg have smashed the all-time Gravity Point record in a single year! See how they did it in Slooh This Week.


Week of June 10, 2024

Three lunar-themed Observations are featured this week.

Matty the Blue Space Hamster from Swift Water Elementary - The Sun, a prominence and a strange reflection

YYB from the University of Oldenburg - A Quasar with two passing satellites

Francisco from the Chabot College Astro Lab - The Andromeda Galaxy with satellite trail


Week of June 3, 2024

This week, we feature four lunar-themed posters and Observations.  

MRVN from the University of Oldenburg - Poetic Full Moon Observation

Amina from 6th Grade Science - Lunar Phases Middle School Quest Poster

Ellie from 6th Grade Science - Lunar Phases Middle School Quest Poster 

Liam from the Trevor Day School - Apollo Astroanuts Quest Poster


Week of May 27, 2024

Awesome quest posters were shared by Allen Academy student Earth-To-Ria and Portland State Uni student Aeron.


Week of May 20, 2024

PhoebeB from Ivytech College shared this Observation that shows the gargantuan sunspot group and active region that was responsible for the recent solar storms. Phoebe gave a great write up about how she connected the solar events she captured using Slooh, and the aurora she was able to witness in Indiana – the first time she’s seen the phenomena.  

Crab from Quantum Physics for Kids, Kilian from the University of Oldenburg, and Slooh Astronomer member Carol Botha, all shared wonderful Observations of the recent solar activity we've witnessed live in the Solar Telescope:

Carol Botha: The Sun 2024.05.10 


Week of May 13, 2024

CrystleC from Chabot College shared their Our Radiant Star Quest poster.

Crystle wrote: There She is. Glistening like fiery flames, engulfed in hydrogen, Canary Five was able to help capture my first image of the Sun. The surface of this beauty is constantly changing, which is why, even if both images were captures minutes apart, there would be changes to the surface.


Week of May 6, 2024

This week, we celebrate the record-breaking number of Gravity Points students at the University of Oldenburg have earned this year. Here are some of the things they've been up to!

Two Observations: Denise - Exploding Galaxy (M82)

Nine Quest Posters:


Week of April 29, 2024

Three excellent Student Spotlight submissions this week:  

Gabriel, from Portland State - Our Radiant Star Quest poster

Pandamanda, from Cuesta College - Life and Death of Stars Quest poster

Mirja, from the University of Oldenburg - How Far Quest poster


Week of April 22, 2024

Misha's Moon Observation with a beautiful quote from Tahereh Mafi’s "Shatter": The Moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.


Week of April 15, 2024


Week of April 8, 2024

This week's observations are not to be missed! The first comes from user Paysen at Swift Water Elementary School who shared a fascinating observation of the Orion Nebula with a peculiar but interesting spinning satellite going through the image.

The second comes from Natrona County Schools teacher and Casper Planetarium supervisor, Rob Kennedy, who shared an observation from a custom Quest he designed for his students. In this Quest, students are tasked to map out the location of various stars they capture on the famous H-R Diagram.


Week of April 1, 2024

This week's student observation is two-part, showcasing submissions from users at schools that have been using Slooh successfully for quite some time. The first submitted by Mrs. LeTellier of Swift Water Elementary School, from student user Quinn, showcasing the beauty of our gas giant Jupiter.

The second Student Observation was submitted by Ariana from Chabot College, an observation of the Triangulum Galaxy.


Week of March 25, 2024

This week's student observation showcase comes from user GravityPoint Baron, who's teacher shared a completed ABCs of Slooh Quest poster.


Week of March 18, 2024

Student Spotlight

This week's student observation showcase comes from user Muiz at the Aga Khan school in Pakistan, who shared this Observation of the dwarf planet, Pluto.


Week of March 11, 2024

Student Spotlight

This week's student observation showcase comes from user Ayesha Ashfaq from Beaconite, who shared this Observation of the Gabriela Mistral Nebula using the Chile Two telescope.


Week of March 4, 2024

Student Spotlight

This week's spotlight observations include a stunning capture of the Triangulum Galaxy by Capri from Swiftwater Elementary School, and a unique perspective on the Whirlpool Galaxy captured by Spencer from UNH.

A Slooh Observation of a waxing crescent moon

A Slooh Observation of a waxing crescent moon


Week of February 26, 2024

Student Spotlight

Discover the colorful world of the hues of nebulae and what causes these different colorings.

A Slooh Observation of the Sun with a large plasma ejection from the sun's surface


Week of February 19, 2024

Student Spotlight:

Students shared Observations of the sun and a young waxing crescent moon.

A Slooh Observation of the Sun with a large plasma ejection from the sun's surface

A Slooh Observation of a waxing crescent moon

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zachary russell
zachary russell
22 de out. de 2024

When does the judging happen and when do they announce

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